Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remembering Ritual for Halloween.

This is a very simple but powerful ritual for remembering all the loved ones and friends that have passed on this year (or when ever). All you need is a tea light and incense for each person you want to honor. The best time to do this is just after midnight on the 31st / 1st; for this is the time when the gate between the worlds is open the widest, up till sunrise on the 1st. The door between the worlds stays open to some extent all the way till the winter solstice. It is also good to have some type of food to sit out, but no meat, milk and something sweet works well. So this is what you do…..

At the right time, sit out some food and drink, just like someone was going to be physically there. Light the tea light and the incense and think or talk about the person, remember them, the good and the bad. Talk to them; say all the things you did not or could not say to them before. When you are finished say good bye or till we meet again (that’s the one I like best). That’s it, do this for everyone that has past this year or in your life. Levee the food and drink outside (it’s better to do this ritual outside to begin with), till after sunrise.

Don’t be surprised if something happens when you are doing this. You might get the feeling that someone is there, here someone talking that’s not there, ETC. Just go with it.

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